Saturday, April 1, 2017

Beorham, Bereham, Berham, Barham

I had been compiling some research on my Barham ancestors when I came across a homemade book in my local genealogy library titled Fifteen Generations of Barhams. Dorothy Jean Goynes Chapel had done the work for me in 1974!  Bless that woman.

It appears that she's done meticulous work. Everything I was coming across in my research she seems to have already found. Dorothy offers a nice introduction where she acknowledges that in so many generations of names there is bound to be the occasional error, and that due to the relatively new idea of uniform spelling rules, the actual spelling of some names may be impossible to determine. As someone who is fascinated by history I was especially struck by this statement, "The past is much more mean[ing]ful and history becomes more interesting if one has an ancestor who took part in a historical battle, helped establish a settlement, or cut a new trail to a new land."

I'm going to share the first three pages of her book here where she lays out the background on the Barham family.  But then for the sanity of those who aren't interested in genealogy to the extent that I am, I will shorten up the lineage part of her book.  But know that while I'm only listing her names and dates, she is a treasure trove of information on the family members.  And she notes in what documents she found this information.  This book was such a lucky find!

I'm not sure why Dorothy skips from Warine de Berham to Thomas Berham, but she does.

Thomas Bereham* = Isabella
*last mention of Thomas is in court documents in 1448
Richard Bereham* = Anna Busse
*Died around 1480
Nicholas Barham* = unknown
*his will was mentioned in court documents in 1546
Nicholas had three sons, Richard, William and John. Those three sons had many descendants, but it was John's who appear to have brought the Barham family to America.  However, here's an interesting bit of information about both Richard's and William's descendants.

Richard Barham's son conducted the prosecution of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, for conspiring with Mary, Queen of Scots against Queen Elizabeth I.

William Barham's descendants (possibly more than one) married into the Gybbons/Gibbons family of Rolvenden. The Gibbons family became the owners of an estate called Hole Park sometime in the early 16th century.  By the early 18th century the house passed to another allied family (genealogy term for families who intermarry) of the Gibbons, the Moneypennys. Unfortunately,the estate bankrupted them forcing them to sell outside the family to a man named James Morrison.  Morrison's son sold the estate to Colonel Arthur Barham in 1911 bringing it "back to the family" so to speak.  It remains in the Barham family to this day.

Here is the website of Hole Park and here's a video narrated by the current owner, Edward Barham.

Many of the Barhams mentioned above and their descendants are buried in a nearby church called St. Mary the Virgin which can be seen in this video below. (Note the narrator mentions the Gibbon Family.)

Back to the American Barhams. John Berham, son of Nicholas, married Thomasyne and died in 1555. He had six children, but it's third son Thomas we are interested in. Now let's go back to our lineage:

John Berham = Thomasyne
Thomas Barham = Mildred Franlyn-Roberts
Robert Barham = Susanna Sare
Robert Barham = Katherine Filmer
Captain Charles Barham = Elizabeth Ridley

You may remember Captain Charles from the first Barham post. He is my 10th great-grandfather.

Fun but Rather Meaningless Genealogy

I think when someone new to genealogy envisions tracing their family's roots, they imagine discovering a famous cousin who will become their entrance into the world of the rich and famous or a royal ancestor making them 7th in line to the British throne - or something like that. Unfortunately, like with most things, that's not quite how it usually works.

If you are familiar with the concept of six degrees of seperation, this won't come as much of a surprise to you.  Odds are likely that you are in some way related to someone famous. However, it may not be a person you particularly want to be related to, or the distance of relationship will most likely be so great that it's basically meaningless, or some other fantasy-crushing reality. I'm the forty-eleventh cousin of President Obama and my 3rd cousin 2x removed is married to Reba McEntire's brother, Pake. True story. At a family reunion I told my relatives they were related to the former president and they asked me to stop doing genealogy.

Ready for another blow to your ego?  There's a really good possibility you might be genealogically related to royalty but not genetically, and you certainly aren't alone.  Most people, if they search long enough and go back far enough in all of their various lines, can eventually find some ancestor who was descended from some royal (most likely Charlemagne).

Confused? Here's a great blog post explaining how if you go just 40 generations back, you have over two trillion ancestors!  You may have noticed a problem. The problem being that there haven't been two trillion people alive in the history of the world.  As the blog states, you do not have two trillion unique ancestors - there's repetition. The blog also explains how using autosomal DNA is really only significant up to 5 generations back.  By seven generations back, you share less than one percent of DNA with a particular ancestor. Thus how you can be not genetically related to your ancestors.

All that being said, it's still fun knowing that King Edward I is my 25 x great-grandfather.  I'm a princess! How did I figure this out? There is a searchable book on Ancestry called The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants by Gary Boyd Roberts.  I discovered one of my ancestors in it - Captain Charles Barham of Virginia. Here's the lineage:
My mom
My grandma
John Gates (born 1887)
Mollie Justice (1861)
Sarah Robinson (1844)
John B. Robinson (1810)
Sarah "Sally" Barham (1786)
James Barham Jr. (1764)
James Barham Sr. (1730)
Charles Barham (1706)
Robert Barham (1678)
Captain Charles Barham (1626)

Here's how Captain Charles connects to King Edward...

What's really great is that this book gives sources.  So the lineage can be verified.  Although I have to say, it seems most of the time these Brits are pretty good about genealogy when it comes to royalty and aristocracy. They don't usually make mistakes.

Another interesting thing here is that if you stumble upon a book about the Magna Carta and the signers of it (called sureties) and their descendants, you would recognize some names. De Clare, Despencer, FitzAlan, Sergeaux.  This further illustrates why you don't have as many ancestors as you should - intermarriage.  I've identified no less than 8 signers of the Magna Carta that I'm descended from because of all the intermarriage. (It's not that rare. There's even a few lineage societies of people descended from the Barons who signed it. BOMC and National Society of Magna Carta Dames and Barons to name a couple.)

Plus, turns out the daughter of my 26 x great-grandmother, Isabel de Clare (sister to my 25 x great-grandfather, Richard de Clare) married Robert V de Brus and became the grandmother to Robert the Bruce! So there you go, now I'm a cousin *cough*sort of*cough* to the Scottish throne.

My next post is going to be about the illustrious Barhams from as far back as the earliest written records in England.